The Arts Of Nail

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beautiful Blogger Tag!

Hi again everyone! Stephanie from Short 'n Chic and Anna from The Nail Nerd nominated me for this award/tag, thank you so much! The tag is to share 7 random things about yourself; here it goes!

1) I am a huge fan of British comedies. Like; I am an all out junkie, and so is my family!

2) I didn't learn how to swim until I was 14. I never lived near a pool until then.

3) I am terrible at riding bikes. I always manage to run into something or fall off a bridge.

4) People never know what to get me for presents. This Christmas I recieved things that range from an iHome to a pashmina shawl.

5) I don't watch a lot of tv or movies, just Brit coms.

6) I used to be very into ceramics. I did it for about a year and a half in high school, and there is a whole china cabinet in my house filled with my mediocre works.

7) My favorite sweet at the moment is my Peppermint Pig. Mmmmm.....

I will tag 7 people in accordance to sharing 7 things about myself.
Evil Angel
April and Ashley