The Arts Of Nail

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 Guys I Used to Like Tag

Hi everyone, sorry it took me so long to do this tag. It was actually very hard for me to come up with 5 guys, because I have never been one to watch tv or movies or anything. Most everyone has already done this tag, but if you haven't then you are getting tagged by me to do it, just be sure to leave a link to your post in the comments! I was tagged by the lovely RijaH from Polishign the Nails! Here it goes:

My first celebrity crush, Leonardo Dicaprio. This was just after Titanic mind you!

Next is Johnny Depp, one of my favorite actors in the 90's and now!

Next is Christian Bale; nuff said.

And of course, George Clooney. He is pretty hot for an older guy....

And lastly, Hugh Laurie. I have been a fan of his work LONG before House. I personally love his roles in Black Adder and Jeeves and Wooster, he was a comedic actor long before House ever came around. Oh, and he isn't bad to look at either...