The Arts Of Nail

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nail Art: Hand Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! Today I bring you a hand turkey! For those of you (my lovely international readers) who do not celebrate Thanksgiving and may not know, there is a grade school tradition in the US of making "hand turkeys". You trace the outline of your hand and use this outline to draw a face for a turkey on the thumb and color in the other fingers in red, orange, and yellow for "feathers". I turned this concept into nail polish form; and I love it!

I used OPI You Don't Know Jacques (brown), Sinful Colors Canary Yellow, OPI Brights Power (orange), Essie Forever Young (red), and Art Deco Black. Isn't he a sexy little gobbler? Here is a closeup of his face below. Even if you don't celebrate this American holiday, it is still a good time to count your blessings and be thankful for all of the wonderful things in your life. In reality, we should do this everyday. Have a great day everyone!