Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Nails: Party Hats
I used China Glaze Metallic Muse for the background, Art Deco Silver, Art Deco Blue Glitter, and Art Deco Silver glitter as the hat pom poms. What fun things are you doing for New Year's? I myself am sitting at home enjoying it with my family. I have to stay up until midnight! I find that if I don't watch the glass ball drop in Times Square on TV, then there really isn't a new year; my brain can't process the beginning of a new year without it. Weird huh?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Beautiful Blogger Tag!
1) I am a huge fan of British comedies. Like; I am an all out junkie, and so is my family!
2) I didn't learn how to swim until I was 14. I never lived near a pool until then.
3) I am terrible at riding bikes. I always manage to run into something or fall off a bridge.
4) People never know what to get me for presents. This Christmas I recieved things that range from an iHome to a pashmina shawl.
5) I don't watch a lot of tv or movies, just Brit coms.
6) I used to be very into ceramics. I did it for about a year and a half in high school, and there is a whole china cabinet in my house filled with my mediocre works.
7) My favorite sweet at the moment is my Peppermint Pig. Mmmmm.....
I will tag 7 people in accordance to sharing 7 things about myself.
Evil Angel
April and Ashley
5 Guys I Used to Like Tag
My first celebrity crush, Leonardo Dicaprio. This was just after Titanic mind you!
Next is Johnny Depp, one of my favorite actors in the 90's and now!
Next is Christian Bale; nuff said.
And of course, George Clooney. He is pretty hot for an older guy....
And lastly, Hugh Laurie. I have been a fan of his work LONG before House. I personally love his roles in Black Adder and Jeeves and Wooster, he was a comedic actor long before House ever came around. Oh, and he isn't bad to look at either...
Mattified China Glaze: Metallics
Devotion - Silver is so pretty matte, but I think that I love it more glossy!
Twenty-Four K - I like this one glossy as well, it just shines more.
Metallic Muse - I love this one matte, it looks so unique and special matte!
Harmony - I love this one matte too, it looks so sexy matte! Below is the glossy picture for comparison!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
NOTD: Merry Midnight Matte
I think that the flatness of the finish helps the flakes to stand out, it is so pretty! Do you like it too?
Is everyone enjoying the holidays? Any big plans for bringing in the New Year?
Monday, December 28, 2009
8ty8beauty Spree #31 - on the way to singapore!
8ty8beauty spree #31 is on its way to Singapore!
Whew~~ finally... haha.. hopefully we can receive them end of this week or early next week. I really pray hard that our orders will not be disrupted by the bad weather in US. Besides, this festive season it's a peak period at the post office. Just keep our fingers crossed that everything will be on schedule.
Anyway, as usual...there are a few out of stocks. i will drop email to those who were affected. if you don't hear from me, means good news :) **but dont forget to check your spam/bulk folder** heehe...
For those who've missed the spree, spree #32 is now OPEN for orders!
As i'm very busy, i've not drop emails to those on the mailing list. but will definitely do so before spree closes.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
China Glaze Devotion
It is a metallic, so it exhibits the regular qualities of a metallic. It dries super fast but shows every imperfection on your nail. You can see brushstrokes a little bit, but it isn't that bad. I wouldn't wear this on its own as I don't think that it flatters my skintone well, but otherwise I love it and I don't think that I will have a problem using this one up! What is your favorite metallic polish?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
NOTD: Onyx Pumps
I used OPI Black Onyx and China Glaze Ruby Pumps over it. I love it! I like how the glitter looks denser while still being darker. I couldn't stop staring at my nails all day! Do you like this version or Lubu Heels better?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
China Glaze Lubu Heels
This polish is stunning in the bottle (see the bottle shot below), it is a black jelly with red glitters. On the nail, it wasn't as dense as I was expecting. As it is a jelly, it took a long time to dry, but the finish was really nice. In the end, I think that it is ok, but not my favorite.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Exchange Prezzy!
Now onto what you all want to see, what was in that box? Firstly, the nail polish!
I got 5 Aussie/NZ nail polishes that I would have never had the chance to try much less have! Selina picked out some really awesome colors too! I recieved Australis Emerald Star, Chi Chi Mother-in-Law, Chi Chi Cyber Vixen, Coral Colors Shade 4, and Coral Colors Tyrian Metalix. Aren't these great?!?
Selina gave me this really cool Christmas card with the sweetest note inside! I really love this card because it is so different from any other ones I have recieved; it has a picture of a beach in the summer! I know that it is in the middle of summer for Australia and New Zealand, but it still kind of baffles me that it could be so warm there and so freezing cold here!
Here are the extra Kiwi goodies that I recieved! I got a delicious smelling soap made by Living Nature New Zealand, it smells like manuka honey and calendula petal. The best way that I can describe it is that it smells like spicy honey. Definetly not scents you get in the US! I haven't actually used it yet because I love the smell so much that I don't want to run out of it! I also got a Merino Lanolin Hand Lotion (which works amazingly!!!). And last but not least....
Check out my new buddy!!! It's a Kiwi bird! Isn't he cute? He makes Kiwi sounds too; I can't believe that a bird could sound like that! I can't think of a bird in the North America that sounds anything remotely like a Kiwi. My new little buddy will be making appearances in all of the swatches of these polishes and may pop up from time to time after that! This little guy is quite the conversation starter when I have guests, no one around here knows what a Kiwi bird is, they all think of the fruit when I say kiwi!
I think that this exchange went so well! I have loved seeing what everyone gave and got. I hope that maybe for next time we could make it so that you send your package to someone in a different country for everyone. I sent my package to someone within the US, and it is so hard to shop for someone who has access to the same things as you do. Recieving polishes from another country is so neat, and I want everyone who participates in the exchange to experience that too! Plus it would be super fun to shop for someone who can't get some of the polishes that I have access to, you know?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Holiday Nails: Candy Canes
One of my favorite candies during this season are candy canes, I love spending hours eating these sweet candies! I wish that I had gotten the white stripes a little thicker, but overall I think that it looks ok. There were definetly better candy cane manicures out there in the nail blogosphere than this one. I used Essie Forever Young and Art Deco White. Do you like it? I know that it is not nearly as good as other blogger's versions!
What are your favorite holiday foods/sweets? Is there something around the holidays that you crave because you only eat it around this time of the year?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
8ty8beauty Spree #32 - OPEN!
8ty8beauty Spree #32 is now OPEN! thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support. All my sprees have been doing well and response is great! If this is your first time ordering from me, dont worry, i'm reliable and a responsible organiser. I've ordered more than 3000 bottles of nail polish for my past 31 sprees and it's still counting~
For those who've joined me before, welcome back! hehe... *pardon me for repeating the same verse if you've read this over and over again but there's always someone who's reading it for the first time.
For spree #32 I will be ordering from www.8ty8beauty.comOPI Holiday Wishes (Christmas collection)
OPI Colorcopia **Best collection from OPI**- Click here to view the pictures
OPI Breathe life - Click here to view the pictures
OPI South Beach! Click here to view the pictures for the latest color
** If you are wondering how come you cant find the new collections at 8ty8beauty, here's the link.
Color Club latest collection - Wild at heart
Orly latest collection - Femme Fatale, Once upon a Time collection
China Glaze latest collection
Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Pls read the terms & conditions carefully.
OPI Nail colors - SGD$11/bottle NETT (priced at USD$4.48 on website)
OPI Designer Series - SGD$16/bottle NETT(priced at USD$6.75on website)
OPI Nail treatments – SGD$11/bottle NETT
- Top coat High-gloss protection
- Natural base coat
- Natural Nail strengthener
- Ridge Filler
- Arcylic base coat
OPI Start-to-Finish, Original/Formaldehyde Free Formula - $15/bottle NETT
OPI Nail Envy Series SGD$18/bottle NETT
- Matte Nail Envy
- Original Nail Envy
- Dry & Brittle Nail Envy
- Sensitive & Peeling Nail Envy
- Soft & Thin Nail Envy
OPI Drip Dry 0.3oz - SGD$14.00/bottle NETT
OPI Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Replenishing Oil - SGD$16.50
Essie nail polish - SGD$11.00/bottle NETT (Please go to to choose the colors)
Essie Matte About You SGD$14.00/bottle NETT **NEW!! Transform to Matte finish**
Creative Nail polish – SGD$8.50/bottle NETT
Seche Vite dry fast Top Coat - $11.00/bottle NETT ~~POPULAR~~
**price includes shipping fee from US to
If you would like to order other items from the website but not listed above, pls feel free to contact me to arrange.
Terms & Conditions
I will only take in orders of those who pay up first before the spree closes as shown on my IB statement. No payment no order.
1. Refunds will be done if items are out of stock or you can opt for credit for next spree
2. Nail polish will be bubbled wrapped and taped for extra security
3. feel free to email me directly at for any enquiries/questions
Internet Banking account:
POSB SAVINGS 157-03577-0
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Method of collection:
Strictly postage (normal/registered) from my house to yours for 4 items and below
*Meet up minimum 5 bottles at Ang mo kio/Orchard/bukit batok (wkend for BB)
Normal postage rate (bubble wrapped + Styrofoam) for nail polish:
a. 1 bottle: $1.50
b. 2-3 bottles: $2.50
c. 4-7 bottles: $3.50
d. 8 bottles onwards: $4.00 (8th bottle) + $0.50 per extra bottle.
For registered, please top up extra $2.24 **Highly Recommended**
(I will not be responsible if items are damage after i've post out due to poor handling by the postman. I will ensure that all items are in good condition before sending out. I will also not be responsible if the mail went missing for normal postage )
Please post in this format *not responsible for any wrong order due to wrong formatName of product:
Total Price:
contact number:
Mailing Address:Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Thank you for your support!
Holiday Nails: Christmas French
I used OPI Big Apple Red, China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, and Art Deco Gold Glitter. I considered using China Glaze Ruby Pumps as the red color, but I thought that it would be an overwhelming amount of color and glitter. You likey?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holiday Nails: Winter Trees
Hi everyone! For the second installment of holiday nails this week; I bring you winter trees! Of course this design doesn't quite apply to those of you who are experiencing summer right now, but it is very snowy where I live.
I like how this turned out, although it was not what I was expecting. I wanted to do crisper lines, but I like how the branches cross and fade into each other. Doing these nails reminded me of that guy (if you remember his name put it in the comments for me please!) who had that painting show on PBS? He did a lot of nature scenes, and he made painting look so easy!
I used China Glaze For Audrey as the base color and Art Deco White for the trees. Hope you like!
Monday, December 21, 2009
La Senza Spree #1 - Semi Annual Sale!!
i wanna get some stuffs from La Senza (Canada) so thought of opening a spree and share the shipping =)
Panties: 10 for CAD$30 , 7 for CAD$25, 5 for CAD$20
Bra: CAD$9.99 , CAD$19.99
Sleep: PJs CAD$8.50 , CAD$12.50, CAD $16.50, Robes CAD$19.50
**** Please include an alternative as items go OOS fast! Make sure you can add the item in shopping cart to see if it’s still available.
Order cap at CAD$240
Shipping & Delivery:-
Method: Direct from La Senza Canada
International shipping rates: CAD$40.00 (Will be split according to order value)
Delivery: 2-3 weeks upon ordering
1st payment: Total amount of item
2nd payment: International shipping + local postage (if applicable) + GST (if any)
Exchange rate: CAD $1 = SGD $1.40
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Collection method:-
• Blk 303 Amk ave 1 ( Weekdays evening or during my off days on weekdays )
• Orchard
• Bukit Batok Central (Weekend)
• Postage: Local/Registered (additional $2.24)
Please opt for registered postage if possible as I will not be responsible for lost mails
T & C:-
* Orders will only be placed when payment is received.
* I will not be responsible for any wrong order, defects, missing items caused by merchant’s error
* I will place the order within the limit to avoid GST, however, if GST incurred due to circumstances not within my control, it’ll be shared accordingly.
* All confirmed orders are not allowed to be cancelled.
* Money will be refunded within 2 days if order is cancelled or OOS
Order Format:-
Collection Method:
Contact number:
Item no:
Size: (Alternative if OOS)
Color: (Alternative if OOS)
Calculation formula: CAD$xx x 1.4 = SG$xx
Please email me the transaction reference, date, amount and contact no. once completed.
Thanks and happy shopping!
Holiday Nails: Ornament
I used China Glaze Ruby Pumps, the konad m57 fishnet pattern, and China Glaze Twenty-Four K as the stamping color.
You may notice that my nails are nubbins now. I had several nail breaks within a day, and frankly I was tired of all of my nails being uneven because I didn't want to cut off the ones that were just the way I wanted my nails. But my nails were in such rough shape that I figured it was time. A lot of my swatches and such will be posted with pictures from having my long nails, but for now I am stuck with nubbins until they grow back out.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
8ty8beauty spree #31 - CLOSED
i've emailed them our orders.
As this is the festive season, it might take a little longer for them to process. Hopefully they can reply to my email asap. But even then, they most probably cant dispatch before christmas.
I will post the updates again once they've dispatched the order.
For those who've missed the spree, pls join my mailing list (on the right hand side of the blog) to be informed on the next upcoming spree.
Art Deco White
The white dries a little slower than I would like; but it isn't too bad. The brush allows for good control of where the polish goes. This would be a good one to pick up if you like to do traditional french tips! I found this particular color at Fred Meyer, Forever 21, and some drugstores. Have a great day everyone!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
NOTD: Lime Green Sparkles!
I used OPI Green-wich Village and Hard Candy Sweet P over it. I love how it turned out, it is so fun! I have been getting slightly sick of dark color after dark color, and my nails are SO yellow because of it! Are you starting to get sick of dark colors too?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mattified Sinful Colors! Post #2
Here is the next installment of finishing up my Mattified! series; my three darkest Sinful Colors polishes. These are Bronze, Fiji, and Burgundy Apple. Sorry about the white bits on the nails, they are the dried up bit from around the bottleneck of the essie matte topcoat I used to matte these.
Bronze - I love this one matted, it gives the polish new dimension and depth!
Fiji - I love this one matte because it brings out the purple/violet tones in the polish (look how well it photographed for a purple!)
Burgundy Apple - I like this one matte; but I think that I like it much better glossy!
What do you all think? Below is the glossy picture for comparison!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
8ty8beauty Spree #31 - CLOSING
20 Dec (Sunday) 9.30pm!
Pls do hurry if you wish to grab you favourite colors!
For more info about the spree, pls visit
No payment = NO order
KOTD: Gold on Gold
I used Wet n' Wild Shield as the base color and China Glaze Twenty-Four K as the stamping color using the m60 plate. It looked really cool in real life but I couldn't get a decent picture.
In more exciting news, I am going home today! Hooray! I can't wait to fly back for a nice long three week break! :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
8ty8beauty Spree #31 - Hurry! Slots filling up fast!
33/50 Slots taken up!
Hurry! Slots filling up fast~
Items will take approximately 2 weeks to arrive from the date spree closes.
side track: Thinking of organising Victoria's Secret Spree. Anyone keen?
China Glaze Twenty-Four K
This polish came from the China Glaze Specialty polishes. It really looks like crap against my skintone by itself, but it is a pretty color. It is super sheer (this is 3-4 coats) and as you can see there is still a visible nail line. I am surprised that it is so sheer yet it konads so well. It dries reasonably and is a bit more forgiving of ridges and other nail imperfections then other metallics can be. Have you tried this polish out?
Next, I am going to continue with Jacie's wonderful idea of spreading cheer through the holiday season! For all of my swatches through the rest of 2009, I will dedicate the polish to a blogger who it reminds me of! Today I will dedicate this polish to Trincess, who always leaves such lovely comments and has a heart of gold! Plus this polish is fantastic for Konading, which is her favorite kind of nail design! I hope that the rest of you nail bloggers will join Jacie and I in this! :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
NOTD: Sparkling Wine
After I picked them I thought that they would go together really well, but they don't. I feel like the color of Bogota Blackberry was overpowered by the amount of glitter that I put on. I also experienced some strange tip wear of just the glitter as you can see in the picture; and this picture was only taken a few hours after I applied the polish. Do you like the combo?
Monday, December 14, 2009
Petites Pink Suede
This polish is super sheer, to get it opaque you need to use 4-5 coats. It also takes ages to dry, and as you can tell I dented the polish. What you don't see in the picture is the slight pink shimmer within the polish, which to me makes this a special color. I just wish the formula was better!
8ty8beauty spree #31 - Grab your favourite colors now!
16/50 slots taken up!
For more details about the spree, pls refer to the blog post below =)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
KOTD: Oranges
I didn't really know how to make it look "pitted" like oranges do without denting the polish, so I konaded a gold onto the orange so that it would be more subtle. I think that it turned out super cute!
I used m57's leopard print to make the oranges look pitted. The orange I used was OPI Brights Power and the gold is China Glaze Twenty-four K. Do you think that it looks like oranges, or am I simply delusional?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Generic Cuticle Trimmer
I am in love with this trimmer! It gives me a lot of control and is very precise. They are also very cheap, usually about $1 USD. They do need to be replaced when the blade dulls, but it is worth it to me! What do you all use to push back those pesky cuticles?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Giveaway Rundown!
First up is a giveaway from JP at Nails of the Day. Did you miss the 6 free green Zoya polishes? Here is your chance to win your very own set! Runs through December 23th, click here for the deets!
Next is from Tuli at Tuli's Nail Polish and Stuff with her New Year's Glitter Giveaway! She is giving away 4 China Glaze Glitters and gobs of other glitters and nail art decorations! Runs through January 1st, click here to check it out!
Last but not least is Jacie from You've Got Nail is having her December giveaway! She is giving away a Nailtrixx Set! Runs through December 28th, check it out here!
Nail Art: Glitter Gradient
To do this, simply layer more glitter towards the tip so that more glitter is packed there, and less towards the beginning of the nail bed.I think that I could have done a better job with it to be honest, there is almost a line on the thumbnail where it is densely packed with glitter on one side and it is an abrupt change to far less dense glitter, do you see it? Sorry for the indoor picture; the sun doesn't want to come out and play!
I used OPI Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow and China Glaze Fairy Dust. It almost looks like falling snow doesn't it? Maybe next time I do a glitter gradient I will use a chunkier glitter, it would be harder to tell if I messed up!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
8ty8beauty Spree #31 - OPEN!
8ty8beauty Spree #31 is now OPEN! thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support. All my sprees have been doing well and response is great! If this is your first time ordering from me, dont worry, i'm reliable and a responsible organiser. I've ordered more than 2900 bottles of nail polish for my past 30 sprees and it's still counting~
For those who've joined me before, welcome back! hehe... *pardon me for repeating the same verse if you've read this over and over again but there's always someone who's reading it for the first time.
For spree #31 I will be ordering from www.8ty8beauty.comOPI Holiday Wishes (Christmas collection)
OPI Colorcopia **Best collection from OPI**- Click here to view the pictures
OPI Breathe life - Click here to view the pictures
OPI South Beach! Click here to view the pictures for the latest color
** If you are wondering how come you cant find the new collections at 8ty8beauty, here's the link.
Color Club latest collection - Wild at heart
Orly latest collection - Femme Fatale, Once upon a Time collection
China Glaze latest collection
Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Pls read the terms & conditions carefully.
OPI Nail colors - SGD$11/bottle NETT (priced at USD$4.48 on website)
OPI Designer Series - SGD$16/bottle NETT(priced at USD$6.75on website)
OPI Nail treatments – SGD$11/bottle NETT
- Top coat High-gloss protection
- Natural base coat
- Natural Nail strengthener
- Ridge Filler
- Arcylic base coat
OPI Start-to-Finish, Original/Formaldehyde Free Formula - $15/bottle NETT
OPI Nail Envy Series SGD$18/bottle NETT
- Matte Nail Envy
- Original Nail Envy
- Dry & Brittle Nail Envy
- Sensitive & Peeling Nail Envy
- Soft & Thin Nail Envy
OPI Drip Dry 0.3oz - SGD$14.00/bottle NETT
OPI Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Replenishing Oil - SGD$16.50
Essie nail polish - SGD$11.00/bottle NETT (Please go to to choose the colors)
Essie Matte About You SGD$14.00/bottle NETT **NEW!! Transform to Matte finish**
Creative Nail polish – SGD$8.50/bottle NETT
Seche Vite dry fast Top Coat - $11.00/bottle NETT ~~POPULAR~~
**price includes shipping fee from US to
If you would like to order other items from the website but not listed above, pls feel free to contact me to arrange.
Terms & Conditions
I will only take in orders of those who pay up first before the spree closes as shown on my IB statement. No payment no order.
1. Refunds will be done if items are out of stock or you can opt for credit for next spree
2. Nail polish will be bubbled wrapped and taped for extra security
3. feel free to email me directly at for any enquiries/questions
Internet Banking account:
POSB SAVINGS 157-03577-0
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Method of collection:
Strictly postage (normal/registered) from my house to yours for 4 items and below
*Meet up minimum 5 bottles at Ang mo kio/Orchard/bukit batok (wkend for BB)
Normal postage rate (bubble wrapped + Styrofoam) for nail polish:
a. 1 bottle: $1.50
b. 2-3 bottles: $2.50
c. 4-7 bottles: $3.50
d. 8 bottles onwards: $4.00 (8th bottle) + $0.50 per extra bottle.
For registered, please top up extra $2.24 **Highly Recommended**
(I will not be responsible if items are damage after i've post out due to poor handling by the postman. I will ensure that all items are in good condition before sending out. I will also not be responsible if the mail went missing for normal postage )
Please post in this format *not responsible for any wrong order due to wrong formatName of product:
Total Price:
contact number:
Mailing Address:Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Thank you for your support!
Mattified China Glaze: Creams/Glitters
For Audrey - I love this one matte, I love how flat it can look!
Ruby Pumps - I don't really like this one matte as much, the glossy version seems to have so much more dimension and sparkle!
Emerald Sparkle - Same as Ruby Pumps; I like it better glossy!
Lubu Heels - I did not like this one matte at all, it just looks grey with some scattered red glitters.
Fairy Dust - I love it both ways!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
KOTD: Flakie Leaves
I used OPI Merry Midnight as the base color, the m20 plate, and China Glaze Twenty-Four K. Sorry for the rant, I just really hate how cold I am! I hope that you find this mani cute! :)
Btw, for those of you who own MM, are you finding that you have an enormous amount of trouble getting the flakes off? They don't ever seem to want to come off for me!
8ty8beauty Spree #30 - Arrived!!!
09Dec Wed:
now till 9pm - Blk 303 AMK Ave 1
10Dec Thu:
9.30am-6pm - Orchard ION
7.30pm-9.30pm - Blk 303 AMK Ave 1
11Dec Fri:
9.30am-6pm - Orchard ION
7.45pm-10pm - Bukit Batok Central
12Dec Sat:
3.30pm-5pm Vivo City
8.45pm-10pm Bukit Batok Central
13Dec Sun:
9.30am-4.45pm Orchard ION
8pm-9.30pm - Blk 303 AMK Ave 1
**Pls do advise me your preferred slots in advance as the above timing are subject to changes.
PS: I will email to you shortly on the above schedules after i've finishing sorting out the orders.
For those who've opted for postage, i'll post them out tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's That Time of Year.....
Well this year I did not go home for Thanksgiving, so I didn't get to decorate the house for the first time since I was 8. I feel so weird having not decorated the house. I do have a small dorm room, but it isn't really enough for me, you know? I have a small Christmas tree (about 2ft by 2ft) that I made from wire hangers, duct tape and garlands (college chic, no?) pictured above with some ornaments that my boyfriend and I made last year. I also want to get some lights to hang around my window.
8ty8beauty spree #30 - updates
Thank you for your patience. I have just returned from Korea =)
The orders for Spree #30 will be arriving very soon. My estimate is either tomorrow or thursday. shortly, i will be sending out emails to those who've orders that are out of stock. if you don't receive my email, means good news. hehe
Anyway, spree #31 will be opening very soon! I still dont have time to unpack my luggage yet. =x meanwhile, you can start to compile your shopping list already. For those who've emailed me your enquiries, kindly give me a little bit of time and i will revert back to you.
pls do join my mailing list (on the right hand side) to be notified on the next spree opening.
Giveaway Winner!!!
Alright, so after assigning each entry a number (There were 51 qualified people and 178 entries total!) I went to and picked a random number, which was 152, so the winner is.............................................
Mary Beth! She actually runs the blog The Nail Novice as well. Congrats girl! I have already e-mailed you, I need you to send me your full name and addy so I can send the prize off in the mail!