Friday, April 30, 2010
China Glaze Blue Sparrow
Thursday, April 29, 2010
8ty8beauty spree #37 - CLOSED
i've emailed them our orders.
For those who've not transfer the payment, your order has been canceled.
Will update again.
Nail Art: Neon Stripes!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Maybelline Two-Timer
8ty8beauty spree #37 - LAST CALL!
29Apr10 - Thu @ 9.30pm !
For details of the spree:
Thanks~ =)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How About A Kitty?
Monday, April 26, 2010
ELF Pearl
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Another Random Update!
Anyways, I really want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday, I really appreciate the good thoughts and well wishes! Also, thank you to those who wished that I felt better, hopefully this cold will go away very soon so I can focus on my studies, finals are coming up fast! And once they are done I can finally catch up on my blogging, I feel so out of the nail blogging loop! So much so that I have not bought nail polish in almost two months! Hooray for successful no-buys! Don't worry, I still have a couple of week's worth of nail polish swatches for you all lol!
My birthday went really well for those of you who wanted to know. My boyfriend took me to the local aviary and we got to see all of the cool birds. I even found a duck who thought himself a flamingo! I saw him stand on one leg and try to go to sleep; someone's been spending too much time in the flamingo pond lol. I wish that I had thought to take a picture of him, it was precious!
I can't believe that I forgot to mention it on this blog, but I featured fellow nail blogger Toxin's awesome bridge piercing on my other blog Playing With Piercings, you should check it out if you are interested! I hope that you all are having an awesome weekend!
8ty8beauty spree #37 - Slots filling up fast!
Many thanks for your overwhelming support =)
Pls do hurry if you wish to place orders. Spree will be closing somewhere mid next week.
Apologies if my reply for the past few days are a little slower than usual as my dog passed away =(
For those who've email me your orders but have not transfer the payment, pls kindly do so before spree closes or your order will be canceled.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
OPI Mad As A Hatter
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sorry Everyone, No Nails Today!
My nails are also in really rough shape, which is part of why I don't want to take pictures of my nails. I have been biting my cuticles again with the stress of school and I have an infected cuticle because of it. I have also been having nail strength troubles, so much so that I changed the shape of my nails. As much as I love having sharp square nails, the corners keep breaking off at a ridiculous rate, so I rounded my nails and I am kind of afraid to show you guys lol.
I also had the worst day in a long time for me yesterday, plus I am totally sick to boot. Sore throat, sneezing and coughing; not fun. So yeah, sorry about no nails today. I do have a fun post tomorrow and I will try to come up with a manicure to show off to you all for Sunday. Have a great weekend y'all!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Essie Cute As A Button
I have never really tried Essie pinks before, although I have a couple of other Essies from before I got this one. This wasn't as sheer as I thought it would be, I have heard nightmare stories about some Essie pinks. I really like this color, do you as well?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
NOTD: Missing Royalty
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Nailene So Natural Nails
Monday, April 19, 2010
NOTD: Glitter and Neon!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Essie Rose Bowl
Saturday, April 17, 2010
NOTD: Dark Flakie Ocean!
Hi everyone! Awhile back I remember that a lot of you suggested putting Sinful Colors Green Ocean over a black, so I did! It looks SO FREAKING COOL! The picture doesn't do it justice, really! I put 3 layers of Green Ocean over OPI Black Onyx and it is stunning, it is like my nails are the bottom of the ocean. I did notice that I got tip wear very quickly and it chipped easily, but that may have been because I put on so many layers of polish. Have you ever tried layering a flakie over black? How did it turn out for you?
8ty8beauty Spree #37 - OPEN!
8ty8beauty Spree #37 is now OPEN! thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support. All my sprees have been doing well and response is great! If this is your first time ordering from me, dont worry, i'm reliable and a responsible organiser. I've ordered more than 3800 bottles of nail polish for my past 37 sprees and it's still counting~
For those who've joined me before, welcome back! hehe... *pardon me for repeating the same verse if you've read this over and over again but there's always someone who's reading it for the first time.
For spree #37 I will be ordering from www.8ty8beauty.comOPI Pink Softshades 2010 collection

OPI H36 - Is Not that Precious? (A Preciously pretty light pink)
OPI H37 - Pink-a-Doodle (Oodles Of Shimmery Pale Pink)
OPI H38 - I Think in Pink (And I Think I Love This Pop Of Pink!)
OPI H39 - It’s a Girl (And She Adores This baby Pink)
OPI Hong Kong 2010 Collection
OPI Colorcopia **Best collection from OPI**- Click here to view the pictures
** If you are wondering how come you cant find the new collections at 8ty8beauty, here's the link.
Color Club latest collection - Wild at heart
Orly latest collection - Sweet Collection 2010

China Glaze latest collection
Up & Away Collection 2010

Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Pls read the terms & conditions carefully.
OPI Nail colors - SGD$11/bottle NETT (priced at USD$4.48 on website)
OPI Designer Series - SGD$16/bottle NETT(priced at USD$6.75on website)
OPI Nail treatments – SGD$11/bottle NETT
- Top coat High-gloss protection
- Natural base coat
- Natural Nail strengthener
- Ridge Filler
- Arcylic base coat
OPI Start-to-Finish, Original/Formaldehyde Free Formula - $15/bottle NETT
OPI Nail Envy Series SGD$18/bottle NETT
- Matte Nail Envy
- Original Nail Envy
- Dry & Brittle Nail Envy
- Sensitive & Peeling Nail Envy
- Soft & Thin Nail Envy
OPI Drip Dry 0.3oz - SGD$14.00/bottle NETT
OPI Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Replenishing Oil - SGD$16.50
Essie nail polish - SGD$11.00/bottle NETT (Please go to to choose the colors)
Essie Matte About You SGD$14.00/bottle NETT **NEW!! Transform to Matte finish**
Creative Nail polish – SGD$8.50/bottle NETT
Seche Vite dry fast Top Coat - $11.00/bottle NETT ~~POPULAR~~
**price includes shipping fee from US to
If you would like to order other items from the website but not listed above, pls feel free to contact me to arrange.
Terms & Conditions
I will only take in orders of those who pay up first before the spree closes as shown on my IB statement. No payment no order.
1. Refunds will be done if items are out of stock or you can opt for credit for next spree
2. Nail polish will be bubbled wrapped and taped for extra security
3. feel free to email me directly at for any enquiries/questions
Internet Banking account:
POSB SAVINGS 157-03577-0
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Method of collection:
Strictly postage (normal/registered) from my house to yours for 4 items and below
*Meet up minimum 5 bottles at Ang mo kio/Orchard/bukit batok (wkend for BB)
Normal postage rate (bubble wrapped + Styrofoam) for nail polish:
a. 1 bottle: $1.50
b. 2-3 bottles: $2.50
c. 4-7 bottles: $3.50
d. 8 bottles onwards: $4.00 (8th bottle) + $0.50 per extra bottle.
For registered, please top up extra $2.24 **Highly Recommended**
(I will not be responsible if items are damage after i've post out due to poor handling by the postman. I will ensure that all items are in good condition before sending out. I will also not be responsible if the mail went missing for normal postage )
Please post in this format *not responsible for any wrong order due to wrong formatName of product:
Total Price:
contact number:
Mailing Address:Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Thank you for your support!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Pink Skittles!
8ty8beauty spree #36 - Arrived!!
thanks for your patience. your items have just arrived today! =)
For those who've opted for postage, it will be posted out this weekend.
Here's my schedule for meet up:
16 Apr - Today
AMK Blk 303 8.30pm-9.30pm
17 Apr - Sat **pls inform me by 17apr 8am**
Orchard ION 9.30am - 5.45pm
Bukit Batok Blk 226 - 9.45pm-10.45pm
18 Apr - Sun **pls inform me by 17apr 8am**
Bukit Batok Blk 226 - 10.30am-12.00pm
Orchard ION 9.45am - 4.45pm
AMK Blk 303 8pm-9.45pm
19 Apr - Mon
Orchard ION 9.15am - 5.45pm
Amk Hub 6.50pm-7pm
Amk Blk 303 8pm - 9.30pm
20 Apr - Tues
AMK Hub 6.15pm-6.30pm
AMK Blk 303 8pm - 9.30pm
21 Apr - Wed
AMK Hub 6.15pm-6.30pm
AMK Blk 303 8pm - 9.30pm
22 Apr - Thu
AMK Hub 6.15pm-6.30pm
AMK Blk 303 8pm - 9.30pm
23 Apr - Fri
AMK Hub 2.15pm-2.30pm
AMK Blk 303 3pm - 6pm
Bukit Batok Blk 226 9pm-10pm
** pls note that my schedule are subject to changes. Appreciate if you don't give last minute notice as i don't carry your items 24x7
I'll also email the above schedules for those who've opted for meet up. pls check and revert.
Thanks =)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
NOTD: Light and Pretty
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
CHI Hot Ring Illusion Around Saturn
It applied alright, this swatch took three coats and turned out nicely. It dried a little slowly but other than that it is a nice polish. I *think* that you can find these at Ulta, but I am not entirely sure. Have you tried any CHI polishes? Did you even know that CHI made polish?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Nail Art: 80's Night!
8ty8beauty spree #36 - On the way!
Many thanks for your patience.
For those who've missed the spree, pls join my mailing list to be notified on the next spree (which will be opening very soon)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tip Toe Gold Rush
This polish firstly is very sheer. This was only two coats, but I don't think that three would have cut it either. It took ages to dry, but this is one of the most interesting colors I own! It is a beautiful gold in a green-ish gold base. When it separates, it separates into gold and a dark green. It is very shimmery and olivey. I like it, but I feel like I won't wear it that often sadly. I do love it though! What do you think of it?
Polish Bloggers Network: Lacquer Link Love 4/10/10
We all need a little break from the hustle and bustle of the real world, so join Manicure Mommas as they take us on a OPI Fantasy ride.
And once the ride is over, quick pit stop in NYC, where Polish on Digital Paper acts out a scene from a classic movie... ON HER NAILS!
Then on to France with Gilded Angel.... Parlez vous francais?
polishSWATCHES brings you an exact dupe for a color in the Zoya Flash collection. Check your stashes to see if you already have it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Nail Art: Pink Palm Leaves!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Asia Fashion Wholesale Spree - CLOSED
Thanks for expressing your interest in this spree.
I have already placed order. As this is my first time ordering from this website, i dont dare to buy too many. I shall test water first and see if the quality is good and picture matches the actual item.
I'll review after i've receive my items. If its good, i'll continue the spree =)
**Anyone has purchase from them b4, pls do feel free to comment/review your experience and whether if it's worth it?
Swatch Spam: Darks
Friday, April 9, 2010
NOTD: Jade Ocean
Thursday, April 8, 2010
China Glaze 5 Golden Rings
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
NOTD: Studded Sparkles
As you are reading this, (I scheduled the post to show up at the same time I take off because I am a nerd like that) I am on an airplane to the great state of Michigan for a conference. Because this conference is 5 days long and is going to keep me very busy; I will not be very able to answer questions and comments until Sunday. I will do my best. Don't worry though, because I will still be posting like I normally do, I scheduled them ahead of time. Just be aware that I will not be checking the blog as often as I normally do. Just wanted to let you know!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Parlez-Vous OPI?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Anyone intersted in Asia Fashion Wholesale Spree?
i stumble upon this website today and wanna grab some clothes from this site. Not sure if anyone interested in joining this quick spree?
The prices are quite reasonable.
US$1 : S$1.5 (Fixed)
Shipping Fee
Overseas Shipping - US$12 / kg via DHL
Order Format
Item URL:
Item Name:
Product Code:
Price in USD:
Weight in grams:
Size: (if applicable)
Calculation of cost per item = (Price in USD x 1.5) + (Weight in kg x US$12 x 1.5)
8ty8beauty spree #36 - CLOSED
I've emailed 8ty8beauty our orders and will wait for their quotation. Items will take approximately 2 weeks to arrive from the date spree closes.
For those who did not transfer the payment, your orders have been canceled. If you've missed the spree, please join my mailing list (on the right) to be notified on the next spree.
Please do come back regularly for updates of the spree~
Thanks! =)
Nail Art: Pink and Gold Plaid
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Goodies and Kitty!
In other news, I recieved a package two weeks ago that contained my prize from The Wizards of Bling giveaway! I picked the two Sally Hansen polishes, Star Opal in Rose Gold Opal and Fire Opal in Earthen Opal, theyy are so pretty! And it came in the cutest bag and heart-shaped tin, thank you ladies! I can't wait to try them out.
Next I am going to share a picture of my kitty! This is my kitty at home, and her name is Chloe. We got her from under my aunt's porch about 9-10 years ago when she was a kitten. We lured her out with ham lol. I don't know why she looks so wide-eyed in this picture because she usually isn't. Oh and that fur thing behind her? That is her rabbit fur, she LOVES playing with it. She throws it around and stalks it and hunts it lol. She was never much of a jingle-toy or ball cat, she much prefers toy mice, catnip, and fur. She also weighs a lot for a cat, I think she weighs in at about 19 pounds. Yeah, that is not all fur! She is such a sweet kitty though!
Art Deco: Red, Red Glitter, Bright Orange, and Intense Pink
Last in this post is Art Deco Intense Pink. I could not get this polish to show up true to color because it has a lot of purple tones, so I apologize. In real life it is much brighter and much more neon, like a dark pink highlighter.
Do you buy stripper polishes? What brand do you use?