Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sinful Colors Green Ocean
Hi everyone! Yesterday I promised you all this swatch so here it is in all of its glittery and flakie glory. Please ignore the ugly yellowness of my nails! The glitter in real life shows up more blue and green than in the picture. I can't wait to try to layer this over green and blue polishes! I do wish that this polish had less glitter and more flakies, and that it was a little denser. Otherwise it applies well, although the clear base dries semi-matte so you may want to use a topcoat with this. Isn't it gorgeous though, I love how pretty it is in the bottle! Are you planning on picking this one up? It won't be with the Sinfuls, it has it's own display!
KOTD: Ginger Tone-On-Tone
Hi everyone! I have recently fallen in love with the idea of tone-on-tone manicures, because they look so cool! So be prepared to see more of these in the future lol. Today I will start off with one that originally went well, but I got lumps and bedsheet marks thus the not-so-perfect finish. It turned out very cool though, it seems very 70's to me! I used OPI Ginger Bells, Sinful Colors Bronze, and the m60 plate. Have any of you ever tried tone-on-tone manicures before? I like them because they are subtle flashes of the pattern in the light.
In light of this semi-fail, I will be posting a swatch of one of the polishes I hauled, so stay tuned for that! :D
In light of this semi-fail, I will be posting a swatch of one of the polishes I hauled, so stay tuned for that! :D
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Dollar Tree Haul and More!
Hi everyone! I twittered last night about my huge cheap haul and now I want to share it with you. I am a big bargain hunter, I love shopping for a good deal. In fact I got all of this polish for about $20! The first stop I made was a Dollar Tree in a part of town that I rarely visit.
If you have followed this blog for awhile then you know I LOVE my Art Decos for nail art. I found tons at the Dollar Tree and I bought one of every color that I did not already own. I also bought an old-school Maybelline, they had several but this color really caught my eye! From left to right they are Art Deco Red Glitter, Art Deco Baby Pink, Art Deco Bright Orange, Art Deco Green Glitter, Art Deco Bright Green, Art Deco Intense Pink, and Maybelline Two-Timer. The next stops I made were TJMaxx and Walgreens.
I found Sinful Colors Green Ocean at Walgreens and at TJMaxx I found 4 Essie minis and Goldie polishes! The Essies are (from left to right) Essie Ruby Slippers, Essie Rose Bowl, Essie Fearless, and Essie Wrapped in Rubies. They are so pretty! The Goldies don't have names, but there was this neutral set and a pink set available as well. I hope you enjoyed my haul! Tomorrow I will post my swatch of Green Ocean's awesome glitter/flakie goodness!
I found Sinful Colors Green Ocean at Walgreens and at TJMaxx I found 4 Essie minis and Goldie polishes! The Essies are (from left to right) Essie Ruby Slippers, Essie Rose Bowl, Essie Fearless, and Essie Wrapped in Rubies. They are so pretty! The Goldies don't have names, but there was this neutral set and a pink set available as well. I hope you enjoyed my haul! Tomorrow I will post my swatch of Green Ocean's awesome glitter/flakie goodness!
Lacquer Link Love for 2/27/2010
Phresh Mentality paints a few PHRESH mani's in an effort to raise funds to help Haiti
Helen's Nice Things has swatched a Ciate Paint Pot color, but you have to click the link to see which one. :)
Naive Nails has a little Lilly on her tips brought to you from Zoya, of course!
Konadomania is felling a little lot spring like and she is showing it off... on her nails!
The Swatchaholic brings out a lusted over discontinued color from her stash and rallies for the maker to bring the color back. Please be sure to take her poll located in her blogs sidebar and maybe our voices will be heard.
Oh how I love a pretty textured mani and Bright Lights Big Color is showing off just that!
Hot & Spicy are the words to describe Polish Freak's mani. Be sure to leave her a comment on how you feel about the color.
Dying to see some swatches of the new Diamond Cosmetics spring 2010 polishes?! Well, Nail'd & Polish'd has just what you need.
Magic Maid has brought you some beautiful swatches from a well known European brand polish.
Tuli's Nails has on polish that's "as pretty as a picture" thanks to our lovely polish blogger Nicole.
Travels with Euridice also has some Essence swatches. The more the merrier I always say.
Nail-Design is giving us a peek inside her stash and showing us how she stores her polish.
Perfect 10 Beauty has swatched a polish called FABULESS... see if you can guess the brand.
Metallics are deemed to be big for the upcoming season and Manicure Mommas has showed you how to make it look luxe.
polishSWATCHES brings you a closeup of Rihanna's "Pretty Kitty Manicure." What do you think of the design?
Now for the Network Giveaways...
Konadomania is celebrating 300 followers... click her name to see exactly how. It's so worth it!
Travels with Euridice is having a Holla for Holos giveaway to show her followers her appreciation.
Neglelakkmani is having a giveaway that's scheduled to end on Monday, so please enter if you haven't already done so.
OPI Glove You So Much!
Hello everyone! Today I am bringing you a polish from the 2009 OPI Holiday Wishes collection. I know that I said that I wasn't going to get anything from that collection besides Merry Midnight, but it was 50% off and I couldn't help myself!
Now when I got this home; I was super mad. I didn't think to compare it to Bogota Blackberry in the store, and in the bottle these look almost exactly the same! This one looked slightly darker, but I was still really mad. Then when I swatched them both I felt tons better! This is like the super vampy version of Bogota Blackberry, it is a lovely frosty burgundy color that I love to death! Even for a frost, brushstrokes are pretty minimal, it applied beautifully in two coats. Did you pick this one up? Do you like it?
Now when I got this home; I was super mad. I didn't think to compare it to Bogota Blackberry in the store, and in the bottle these look almost exactly the same! This one looked slightly darker, but I was still really mad. Then when I swatched them both I felt tons better! This is like the super vampy version of Bogota Blackberry, it is a lovely frosty burgundy color that I love to death! Even for a frost, brushstrokes are pretty minimal, it applied beautifully in two coats. Did you pick this one up? Do you like it?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Giveaway Rundown!
Hi everyone! Here are some more awesome giveaways that you should check out!
First we how the lovely Romika who is giving away Herome products and polishes as a celebration of her first 100 followers! Runs through March 14th, check it out here!
Next we have April and Ashley from Concrete and Nail Polish who are doing their very first giveaway! They are giving away a purse, a nice assortment of polish and other goodies! Runs through March 7th, check it out here!
The lovely Karianne from Neglelakkmani is having her first giveaway! It includes a whole bunch of Claire's polishes and runs through March 1st, check it out here!
The whimsical PaintedLadyFingers is having yet another amazing giveaway! This time it is some awesome ManGlaze polishes! Runs through March 8th, check it out here!
Xuan-An from We Are Fish and We Drown is having her first giveaway! The prize includes awesome Konad and Sally Hansen stuff! Runs through March 5th, check it out here!
KOTD: Silver and Dots
Hi everyone! Today I am bringing you a KOTD; I feel like I haven't done one in a long time! And frankly it shows, the dots aren't all lined up striaght and some of the dots peeled off a bit. It was my first time using this particular design, but I struggled with it. I feel like with a little practice it would look a lot better. I used OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede as the base color and China Glaze Devotion as the stamping color. I wanted it to be matte at first, but then I wanted to see what it looked like glossy. Which version do you prefer?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
New Storage!
Bottom Drawer: Holds all of my OPI and China Glaze polishes
Middle Drawer: Holds all other polishes
Top Drawer: Holds all treatments, tools, and not polish stuff
I hope that this helps some of you with your polish storage solutions! I know that I freaking love this thing!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Nail Art: CND Inspired!
Hi everyone! Did you see the nails that CND did for NYFW? They were so cool! In fact after you read this, you should check out Trincess's amazing recreation of it! So I decided to do my own spin on the concept and I did a metallic light blue instead of the gold and I kept it shiny. I got so many awesome compliments from people when I was wearing this! I used China Glaze Metallic Muse and OPI Black Onyx for this mani, you like?
8ty8beauty Spree #34 updates - On the way to Singapore!
Hi ladies,
As usual, there are a few out of stocks. I will email to those who are affected. If you don't hear from me means good news (but pls check your spam/bulk mail folder!)
I will update again when it arrives.
For those who've missed the spree, please join my mailing list to be notified on the next upcoming spree when it opens.
Thanks for all your support! =)
8ty8beauty Spree #34 Updates:
On the way to Singapore!
Pleased to inform you that our orders are on the way to Singapore! yay~On the way to Singapore!
As usual, there are a few out of stocks. I will email to those who are affected. If you don't hear from me means good news (but pls check your spam/bulk mail folder!)
I will update again when it arrives.
For those who've missed the spree, please join my mailing list to be notified on the next upcoming spree when it opens.
Thanks for all your support! =)
[AD] LONGCHAMP Spree #03 - OPEN!
Hi ladies,
promoting this spree on behalf of my friend. Grab your chance to buy your favourite bag directly from France!
Interested parties, pls contact her directly.
Details on the spree:
promoting this spree on behalf of my friend. Grab your chance to buy your favourite bag directly from France!
Interested parties, pls contact her directly.
Details on the spree:
Citrine | Garance | Lilas |
Rosalie | Ocean | Tour Eiffel Navy or Beige |
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Nailene French Tip Pen Kit
Hello everyone! Today I am reviewing the new French Tip Pen Kit from Nailene for you, Nailene was kind enough to send this to me for review so thank you Nailene*!
This kit comes with 4 items; French Tip Guides, Hard & Healthy French Manicure Base Color, an Acrylic Strong Topcoat, and a French Tip Pen in White. As you can see above I tried it out and I actually wore this mani to a big presentation I had to make. Now I was disappointed in this mani because it wasn't perfect; I didn't think that I had done a good job but everyone in the board room complimented me on my nails (these are mostly guys), I was so surprised! Now onto what I think about each product and the kit overall:
French Tip Guides - These worked relatively well, I didn't push down hard enough on the sticker and some of the polish got under it (you can kind of see it in the picture, the base color hides it well!); but I figured that out and that it is easier to use it if you start the polish at the sticker and then pull the polish down to the tip. These are available for purchase separtely from this kit.
French Manicure Base Color - This is a very light yellowish pinkish sheer color. I felt that it was a little streaky unless you do two coats, I felt like one coat wasn't enough and two coats was too much, but then again I do very thick coats of polish so that could be the problem. It works really well to tone down the starkness of the white tip and make it seem more natural.
French Tip Pen - This kit comes with the regular white pen. I found the pen to be a bit messy upon first application, but it is much less so after the first time you use it. I love the starkness of the color, and I will say that I don't think that this is polish, I think that it is more like acrylic paint. An explaination and a more through review on this product will come in the future! This can be purchased separately from the kit.
Acrylic Strong Topcoat - This topcoat is ok, if you are patient (unlike me) and allow it to dry properly it would work great, and it is very shiny! Sadly I need something that dries faster, so this didn't work for me. I kept smudging it. I am aware that there is a new formulation of this top coat; but I believe that this is the older version.
Overall - I think that this would be a great kit for beginners trying to do their own french tips. Doing french tips on yourself takes a lot of practice and some skill, and I feel like this kit is a great starting point. My favorite product in the kit was definetely the french tip pen, and I will do a more in-depth review of this product since I received two of these in different colors in a week or so. I am also a big fan of the french tip stickers, they are very easy to use and fix if you place it wrong. They aren't fool-proof, but they are a great starting point, especially for someone like me who is terrible at doing designs on their dominant hand! These really help for the tips on both of my hands to match. If you are interested in this kit, you can find it at drugstores like Walgreen's or CVS.
*Yes, I was sent these products from Nailene for consideration of review. These are my honest opinions and experiences with the products. If you have concerns please see my disclosure policy in the tab bar.
Monday, February 22, 2010
NOTD: Textured Nails
Hi everyone! Do you see my awesome new header? Isn't it gorgeous? Niki over at Polish on Digital Paper made it for me, go check out her awesome blog! Thank you so much Niki, I absolutely love it! I do a happy dance everytime I see it! :D
(Back to our regularly scheduled programming) Today I bring you kind of a strange manicure; I think that the execution could be improved upon. I used ELF Dark Navy as the base with a light coat of ELF Pearl over it. Now I only planned on doing a very thin layer of Pearl to kind of turn it grey, but I put too much on. So I kept swiping my brush over the nail and it created a neat contrasted texture on the nail. It isn't as bright in real life, but it is in the light. It looks rugged, don't you think? You like or dislike?
(Back to our regularly scheduled programming) Today I bring you kind of a strange manicure; I think that the execution could be improved upon. I used ELF Dark Navy as the base with a light coat of ELF Pearl over it. Now I only planned on doing a very thin layer of Pearl to kind of turn it grey, but I put too much on. So I kept swiping my brush over the nail and it created a neat contrasted texture on the nail. It isn't as bright in real life, but it is in the light. It looks rugged, don't you think? You like or dislike?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mini China Glaze Haul
Hi everyone! I was a bad girl and went to Sally's; but I picked up some awesome China Glazes! I got Light As Air and Flyin' High from the Up Up and Away collection and I picked up 5 Golden Rings from the clearance section. Just thought I would share! :D
Be sure to go and vote in the Anti-Valentine's Day contest, today is the last day! Go and vote for your favorite (I hope it's me!!!) here!
Be sure to go and vote in the Anti-Valentine's Day contest, today is the last day! Go and vote for your favorite (I hope it's me!!!) here!
Last Day to Vote!!!!
Come on over and vote (for me pretty please?) for the NBN Anti-Valentine's Day contest! The contest ends sometime later today, come check it out! All of the manis are so fantastic! <3
Zoya Lily
Hi everybody! Can you believe that I have never tried a Zoya polish before? Crazy right? Well, better late than never. I got this polish from a swap I had with kelliegonzo from Also Known As when we met each other.
The formula was a bit thin from what I am used to, but it deposited color pretty well. This is 3 coats and it is still not opaque enough for my tastes, so I need 4 coats of it, but it is worth it! It is a stunning color , it is a frosty metallic light pink with these tiny little green glitters that the camera doesn't pick up well. It is a really beautiful color. I really want to try this with a french manicure, I think that it would be really pretty with a white tip!
The formula was a bit thin from what I am used to, but it deposited color pretty well. This is 3 coats and it is still not opaque enough for my tastes, so I need 4 coats of it, but it is worth it! It is a stunning color , it is a frosty metallic light pink with these tiny little green glitters that the camera doesn't pick up well. It is a really beautiful color. I really want to try this with a french manicure, I think that it would be really pretty with a white tip!
8ty8beauty spree #34 - CLOSED
Hi ladies,
8ty8beauty Spree #34 is already CLOSED.
i'm still consolidating the orders as this time round the order list is very long.
No more orders please. Any non payment, your orders have been canceled.
For those who've missed the spree, pls join my mailing list to be notified on the next upcoming spree.
Thanks for your support! =)
8ty8beauty Spree #34 is already CLOSED.
i'm still consolidating the orders as this time round the order list is very long.
No more orders please. Any non payment, your orders have been canceled.
For those who've missed the spree, pls join my mailing list to be notified on the next upcoming spree.
Thanks for your support! =)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Giveaway Rundown!
It seems like everytime a giveaway ends, two more pop up in its place! Here is this week's giveaway rundown in no particular order:
First we have Elizabeth from Lacquered Lizard who is having her first giveaway, and has 4 different prizes to giveaway! Runs through February 26th, check it out here!
Next we have Lacquerized who is also having her first giveaway! She is giving away 2 sets of H&M polish, runs through March 10th, go see it here!
R3 Daily is celebrating 50 followers and is also having her first giveaway! She is giving away a big set of awesome nail goodies! Runs through February 24th, check it out here!
The amazing Wizards of Bling are having their first giveaway to celebrate their first 25 followers! They are giving away 3 different awesome prizes! Runs through March 3rd, click here to see it!
Lucy from Lucy's Stash is having her first giveaway, and she is giving away some awesome China Glaze and Orly goodies! Runs through February 28th, click here to check it out!
And last but not least, Yardsticks 4 Lunatics is having a giveaway to celebrate her first 100 followers! She is giving away a big variety of awesome nail products including polish, treatments, and nail art stuff. Runs through March 5th, click here to see it!
Giveaway Winner!
Wow, this has been my biggest giveaway yet by far! I gained 122 followers, holy crippity crappity cow pies! Hello and welcome to all of my new followers and I really hope that you enjoy the blog! I recieved eligible entries from 118 different people with 293 entries total, wow!!!! It took me over 3 hours to sort through all of the entries and make sure that they were legit; you would be amazed at how many people straight up lie lol.
Now you all just want to know who won right? Well, I numbered all of the entries from 1 through 293, and the random number generator picked out number 26 which ended up fellow polish network blogger Alia Shardae from Polish Freak!!!! Congrats girl! I just sent you an e-mail because I need your address info so I can send you your polishes!
Thank you to everyone who entered! Don't be discouraged if you didn't win, I will be having another giveaway soon, hopefully around my birthday! I love you all!
NOTD: Down the Dark Rabbit Hole
Hello everyone! Is anyone else getting as excited as I am to go see Disney's Alice in Wonderland? I decided that I wanted OPI Absolutely Alice to be a little darker, so I layered 2 coats of it over Wet 'n Wild Nocturnal. Sadly it doesn't apply that well until you get it opaque, so there are bald spots, classifying this mani as a fail. Sorry. I love the concept though, and in real life the patches really aren't very noticable. So are any of you going to go see it when it comes out like I am?
Kerastase hair treatment / hair care SALE!!! Very limited quantity
Hi everyone!
I've got some brand new Kerastase hair products and hair treatments for sale! They are all 100% authentic and comes with the authenticity sticker. huge savings up tp 50% discount! Limited stocks available. Grab your favourite salon hair products at great prices! Pls email me at to order.
Kerastase Nutridefense Spray ** LAST 3 !! **
Anti-Drying Nutri-Protective Leave-In Spray for Dry and Sensitized Hair
Retail: $42.80
Benefits: Gives definition to fine, curly hair and protects from humidity and thermal damage.
Kerastase Nacre Nutri-Sculpt ** LAST 3 !! **
Leave-in, Shine Enhancing Treatment Wax
Benefits: Hair is shaped and structured with an iridescent shine. Styling control without stiffness.
Kerastase Crème Richesse ** LAST 3 !! **
Conditioning Treatment for Dry to Very Dry Sun-Exposed Hair
Benefits: Intense nourishment leaves hair incredibly silky, with restored softness and smoothness.
Kerastase Double Force ** LAST 2 !! **
Multi-Protective Hairspray for Weakened Hair
Benefits: Protects weakened hair from climate-specific factors. Provides controlled hold.
I've got some brand new Kerastase hair products and hair treatments for sale! They are all 100% authentic and comes with the authenticity sticker. huge savings up tp 50% discount! Limited stocks available. Grab your favourite salon hair products at great prices! Pls email me at to order.
Kerastase Nutridefense Spray ** LAST 3 !! **
Anti-Drying Nutri-Protective Leave-In Spray for Dry and Sensitized Hair
Retail: $42.80
Benefits: Provides instant detangling and nourishing softness and shine from roots to ends.
Anti-dryness protection helps counter the effects of harsh external aggressions.
Kerastase Mist Oleo-Curl ** LAST 2 !! **
Curl Definition Oil Mist for Fine, Curly Hair
Kerastase Nacre Nutri-Sculpt ** LAST 3 !! **
Leave-in, Shine Enhancing Treatment Wax
Kerastase Crème Richesse ** LAST 3 !! **
Conditioning Treatment for Dry to Very Dry Sun-Exposed Hair
Kerastase Double Force ** LAST 2 !! **
Multi-Protective Hairspray for Weakened Hair
Friday, February 19, 2010
iCute Blog Tag!
Thank you so so much for tagging me Romika! The only rule in this tag is to tag 5 other cute blogs!
Lacquer Link Love for 2/19/2010
The first article up I'd like to bring your attention to is nothing nail related, but is definitely worth a read, especially by all the bloggers! Helen's Nice Thing's wrote a wonderful article addressing the question, should bloggers be considered as media or press and I think she expressed her views quite remarkably.
Naive Nails wants to show off a mani she's titled "Love Be Hanged". A very cute and quirky design.
French Mani anyone?! Well, Babbling Brooke has you covered! Check out her Nailene French Mani Blog Giveaway. She's gifting three of readers with these fabulous sets... so you better make sure that you're one of them!
Bye, Bye old man winter, let's bring on the sun and the pool... as The Swatchaholic brings us wonderful swatches of China Glaze's Poolside Collection.
Have you been able to view swatches of almost the whole OPI Hong Kong collection? If not, the Nail-Design bring you 9 out of 12 of them.
Magic Maid has snagged a duochrome drugstore brand polish and nope, I'm not telling you what it is! ;)
This week Tuli's Nails has a broken heart and she letting her mani tell the story as to why. Check it out!
polishSWATCHES gives you a sneek peek at Tracy Reese's Fall 2010 Sally Hansen Shades as well as a glimpse of the nail trends that were sported at her show.
You will NOT want to miss out on what Polishing the Nails is cooking up on her blog! Even I'm in the kitchen for this one!
It's safe to safe everyone loves a good konadicure right?! And even more so when your showing off a gorgeous polish! Cucumpear is donning some very pretty artwork on her tips as well as showing off the gorgeous color p2 Rich.
Looking for a interesting blue nail polish to add to your stash that you might not already have? Then Polish Freak and China Glaze have you covered, but shhh, she said the color is a secret!
Nail foiling and minx like applications are all the rage, but why not try using a nail polish for the same effect? Manicure Mommas swatches Orly Foil FX's and shows how you can turn your nails into precious metal.
Have you ever heard of Piggy Paints Nail Polish or even considered buying it but haven't? Well if so, Laquerholic has just given you the incentive to go ahead and plunge. She's secured a 10% off privelage coupon for all of her readers as well as written a full review
Nail-Design is having a special giveaway to celebrate the fact that she has received over 300, 000 Youtube views on her channel. Wow! Congrats on the great accomplishment!
Lambchop is having a really nice giveaway for readers, but she really needs for you to help her out... by ENTERING!
Today's you last chance to win some Milani Holos, so be sure to enter Naive Nails contest if you're one of the many who can't seem to find them and are lemming.
ELF Royal Purple
Hi everyone! Today I bring you one of my ELF polishes from the trio that I purchased, ELF Royal Purple. This is by far my favorite polish out of this trio. The other colors are good, but this one is fabulous! It is a gorgeous frosty pinked purple that is so unique! It is almost perfect in one coat, but I do two for good measure. It is a great polish, especially for a dollar! Isn't is pretty? I would describe it as a magenta with a blue/purple flash to it, the picture is pretty accurate.
Today is the last day that you can enter my giveaway!!!! It ends at midnight MST tonight, so if you haven't entered please do so! Link in the upper right-hand corner ;)
Today is the last day that you can enter my giveaway!!!! It ends at midnight MST tonight, so if you haven't entered please do so! Link in the upper right-hand corner ;)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Nail Art: Olympic-Inspired Nails
Hi everyone! If you follow me on Twitter, then you probably already know how obsessed I am with the Olympics, so of course I had to do a mani inspired by the event! I have closely watched every Olympics since the Sydney Summer Games in 2000. In fact I even live in Salt Lake City, which hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics. It was really cool to watch the opening ceremonies this year because I now know so many people around the world through blogging. When countries would march in, I would think of people that I know in those countries and cheer, it has brought me much closer to the international aspect of the Games. I love it! Do you watch the Olympics too?
I used OPI Alpine Snow, Art Deco Gold Glitter, OPI Sea, I Told You!, Sinful Colors Canary Yellow, OPI Black Onyx, OPI Green-wich Village, and OPI Big Apple Red. It is inspired by the Olympic flag, which I love because it contains at least one color that is on every flag around the world!
I used OPI Alpine Snow, Art Deco Gold Glitter, OPI Sea, I Told You!, Sinful Colors Canary Yellow, OPI Black Onyx, OPI Green-wich Village, and OPI Big Apple Red. It is inspired by the Olympic flag, which I love because it contains at least one color that is on every flag around the world!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mattified Wet 'n Wild!
Hi everyone! Today I have both of my Wet 'n Wild polishes matted for you! They were matted with Essie's Matte About You Topcoat.
Shield - This one looks fabulous matted, I wish that I had figured this out sooner! Wow, I just really love the depth that the matte gave to this polish!
Nocturnal - This one looks beautiful matte too! It reminds me of the color of a clear night sky.
The glossy picture is below for comparison, do you like how they look matte too, or do you prefer them glossy?
Shield - This one looks fabulous matted, I wish that I had figured this out sooner! Wow, I just really love the depth that the matte gave to this polish!
Nocturnal - This one looks beautiful matte too! It reminds me of the color of a clear night sky.
The glossy picture is below for comparison, do you like how they look matte too, or do you prefer them glossy?
8ty8beauty spree #34 - Closing soon!! Hurry!
hi ladies,
Do hurry if you wish to grab the latest collections like OPI Hong Kong 2010, Orly Sweet, China Glaze UP...etc
For details about Spree #34, pls visit
Please transfer the payment to confirm your orders. NO PAYMENT = NO ORDER. i've been receiving many orders without payment.
Kindly also take note that for meet up collection, MINIMUM 5 bottles are required.
8ty8beauty Spree #34 will be CLOSING on:
20Feb10 Saturday at 10pm!
20Feb10 Saturday at 10pm!
Do hurry if you wish to grab the latest collections like OPI Hong Kong 2010, Orly Sweet, China Glaze UP...etc
For details about Spree #34, pls visit
Please transfer the payment to confirm your orders. NO PAYMENT = NO ORDER. i've been receiving many orders without payment.
Kindly also take note that for meet up collection, MINIMUM 5 bottles are required.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Nail Art: Mardi Gras!
Laissez les bon temps rouler! Hi everyone, today is Mardi Gras so I am sharing not only my Mardi Gras nails, but the Mardi Gras tradition as well. I used OPI Green-wich Village, China Glaze Harmony, and Art Deco Gold Glitter.
I am not Catholic, so I do not do Lent, but I do cheat and celebrate Mardi Gras anyway. Much of my family lives in Southern Lousiana so I am hardcore into the Mardi Gras tradition. I used to give presentations on Mardi Gras every year in French classes and such. I won't go through the whole shpeal with you all, but I will share a few fun traditions for those of you who may not know about the holiday. If you have any questions about this holiday at all, just ask, I can probably answer it.
In case you have no idea what this holiday is about (this is the super simple short version), in the Catholic religion people go through a 40 day period called Lent in which they give something up for the 40 day period (like chocolate or ice cream or nail polish lol). Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the day before the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday) and basically you gorge yourself on the thing that you are giving up that day. It is also a day of merriment since Lent isn't meant to be a happy time. So it is basically a day to party!
I want to share with you my King Cake! This is a traditional cake of the Mardi Gras holiday. Everyone at the party has a slice, and in one of the slices of the cake there is a little plastic baby (it is usually hidden in the cake). My grandmother actually express shipped me this cake half-way across America from Baton Rouge Louisiana, so this is very authentic lol. The person who gets the baby hosts next year's party!
Another tradition of Mardi Gras is the parade! I don't have any pictures for you of a parade, but basically it is a line of floats that throw candy and plastic beaded necklaces at the crowd. They play loud music and it is just so much fun! Don't worry, I don't spend my Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street! ;)
Masks are another important part of Mardi Gras. This is me wearing my cheapy mask because I don't have my nice one at school with me. Most Mardi Gras parties used to be Masquerade Balls. Even though we really don't have those today, the tradition of wearing masks is still widely practiced.
I don't want to make this post too long so I will stop there. If you have further questions please ask them to me, I love this holiday, it really ranks up in the top three for me! It is a really important tradition to me, which is hard in an area of the United States that does not really celebrate it, well at least not as hardcore as I do. ;)
Also Lucy, if you are reading this; it is great to see you back! I was very excited to see your comments!
I am not Catholic, so I do not do Lent, but I do cheat and celebrate Mardi Gras anyway. Much of my family lives in Southern Lousiana so I am hardcore into the Mardi Gras tradition. I used to give presentations on Mardi Gras every year in French classes and such. I won't go through the whole shpeal with you all, but I will share a few fun traditions for those of you who may not know about the holiday. If you have any questions about this holiday at all, just ask, I can probably answer it.
In case you have no idea what this holiday is about (this is the super simple short version), in the Catholic religion people go through a 40 day period called Lent in which they give something up for the 40 day period (like chocolate or ice cream or nail polish lol). Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the day before the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday) and basically you gorge yourself on the thing that you are giving up that day. It is also a day of merriment since Lent isn't meant to be a happy time. So it is basically a day to party!
I want to share with you my King Cake! This is a traditional cake of the Mardi Gras holiday. Everyone at the party has a slice, and in one of the slices of the cake there is a little plastic baby (it is usually hidden in the cake). My grandmother actually express shipped me this cake half-way across America from Baton Rouge Louisiana, so this is very authentic lol. The person who gets the baby hosts next year's party!
Another tradition of Mardi Gras is the parade! I don't have any pictures for you of a parade, but basically it is a line of floats that throw candy and plastic beaded necklaces at the crowd. They play loud music and it is just so much fun! Don't worry, I don't spend my Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street! ;)
Masks are another important part of Mardi Gras. This is me wearing my cheapy mask because I don't have my nice one at school with me. Most Mardi Gras parties used to be Masquerade Balls. Even though we really don't have those today, the tradition of wearing masks is still widely practiced.
I don't want to make this post too long so I will stop there. If you have further questions please ask them to me, I love this holiday, it really ranks up in the top three for me! It is a really important tradition to me, which is hard in an area of the United States that does not really celebrate it, well at least not as hardcore as I do. ;)
Also Lucy, if you are reading this; it is great to see you back! I was very excited to see your comments!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Blog Pimpin'
It's blog pimpin' time again! Here are some way awesome blogs that totally deserve some love!
Wizards of Bling
Crystal Polish
This is My Nails
OPI Ginger Bells
First order of business, everyone go vote for me if you loved yesterday's mani (which I know that lots of you did!) here at the Polish Blogger's Network website! If you voted early in the contest yesterday, you need to go and vote again as your vote got erased due to a late entry. Please go and vote for your favorite (me, cough, cough), it takes 5 seconds!
Also, I reached 400 followers yesterday, wow! Welcome to all of my new followers, I hope that you are enjoying the blog! Also, remember to enter my giveaway, it ends this Friday! To see it, click on the link in the upper right-hand corner of the page!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Go Vote Everyone, and Check Out the Polish Blogger Network's Website!
Hi! I wanted to make a quick post urging you all to go vote for the best Anti-Valentine's Day mani over on the Polish Bloggers Network's new website! If you voted already, you need to go vote again as the voting has started over! Me and 4 other awesome bloggers (Babbling Brooke, The Dutch Nail Blog, Cucumpear and Tuli) are in this contest, so go vote for your favorite mani! [If you like mine, vote for me! But if you don't vote for me, no hard feelings, k? :) ] If you love following nail polish bloggers, now is a great time to check out the website and follow us; it isn't fully complete yet but it will be soon! Voting literally takes 10 seconds, so go do it! I love you all and I hope that you are having a great weekend!
Anti-Valentine's Day: Love Be Hanged!
Hello everyone! How about an Anti-Valentine's Day mani for the big day? I think my favorite nail here is the heart noose, isn't it fitting? I used China Glaze Flying Dragon as the base and Art Deco Black and White for the ropes. Do you like it? What are you all doing for the big day, any fun plans? Or maybe you are like me, and are too busy studying to do anything lol.
If you love this manicure, go vote for it here! Check out the Polish Bloggers Network's new website as well, it is pretty awesome!
I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has offered me comfort during this rough patch in my life. I hope that you are all right and that something better will come along for me! I <3 you all!
If you love this manicure, go vote for it here! Check out the Polish Bloggers Network's new website as well, it is pretty awesome!
I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has offered me comfort during this rough patch in my life. I hope that you are all right and that something better will come along for me! I <3 you all!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Giveaway Rundown!
Hello everyone! There are now even more awesome giveaways to mention, so here we go!
First we have PerryPie's 100 follower giveaway! She is giving away 17 polishes including Sally Hansen, GOSH, and Zoya! Plus there is a stamping kit! Runs through February 28th, click here to check it out!
Jellynat is having her first giveaway Essie Mod Squad and Sinful Colors Crystalline, be sure to read her post even if you aren't entering because it is so heartwarming and touching! Runs through March 1st, click here to see it!
Niki from Polish on Digital Paper is also having her first giveaway! She is giving away some really pretty Claire's polishes, runs through February 20th, check it out here!
Jacie at You've Got Nail is having her February Giveaway of Illamasqua Obsess and three other polishes! Runs through February 27th, click here to see it!
Help out Flinty at Polish and Perish with her research and you might win three Orly polishes from the Sweet collection! Be sure to read the post before you start the survey, runs through February 17th, check it out here!
And finally, Kolour Me Krazy is having her first giveaway, where you can win a pouch of Sally Hansens! Runs through February 28th, click here to check it out!
Be sure to enter my giveaway if you haven't already, it ends on the 19th! Click on the link in the upper right hand corner to check it out!
Valentine's Day: Deconstructed Lace
Hello everyone! Today I am bringing you another fun Valentine's Day manicure. *Please ignore the massive amount of bubbling I got, they appeared after my top coat was applied. I have never had bubbling problems before.*
I decided that I wanted to try multiple stamps on my nails. So I used the lace pattern on the m57 plate over and over again at different angles. I love how it turned out, to me it looks like ripped up lace. I used OPI Alpine Snow as a base, OPI Tutti Frutti Tonga for the pink, and Art Deco Red for the red stamping. Do you think that it looks cool too?
I decided that I wanted to try multiple stamps on my nails. So I used the lace pattern on the m57 plate over and over again at different angles. I love how it turned out, to me it looks like ripped up lace. I used OPI Alpine Snow as a base, OPI Tutti Frutti Tonga for the pink, and Art Deco Red for the red stamping. Do you think that it looks cool too?
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