Monday, August 31, 2009
OPI DS Topcoat Review
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Nail Blogger Xmas Exchange!
8ty8beauty Spree #26 - OPEN!
8ty8beauty Spree #25 is now open! thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support. All my sprees have been doing well and response is great! If this is your first time ordering from me, dont worry, i'm reliable and a responsible organiser. I've ordered more than 2300 bottles of nail polish for my past 25 sprees and it's still counting~ For those who've joined me before, welcome back! hehe... *pardon me for repeating the same verse if you've read this over and over again but there's always someone who's reading it for the first time.
For spree #26 I will be ordering from
Try out OPI latest collection:
OPI Espana
OPI Matte Collection
OPI Sunbelievable Summer
OPI Brights

OPI Colorcopia - Click here to view the pictures
OPI Breathe life - Click here to view the pictures
OPI Fairytale Bride - Click here to view the pictures
OPI South Beach! Click here to view the pictures for the latest color
Color Club latest collection - Electro Candy , Catwalk Queen, Femme Fatale *Available!*
Orly latest collection - Prepster, Summer Tiki collection
China Glaze latest collection - Retro Diva
I will be giving freebies if you join my spree.
Pls read the terms & conditions carefully.
OPI Nail colors - SGD$11/bottle NETT (priced at USD$4.48 on website)
OPI Designer Series - SGD$16/bottle NETT(priced at USD$6.75on website)
OPI Nail treatments – SGD$11/bottle NETT
- Top coat High-gloss protection
- Natural base coat
- Natural Nail strengthener
- Ridge Filler
- Arcylic base coat
OPI Start-to-Finish, Original/Formaldehyde Free Formula - $15/bottle NETT
OPI Nail Envy Series SGD$18/bottle NETT
- Matte Nail Envy
- Original Nail Envy
- Dry & Brittle Nail Envy
- Sensitive & Peeling Nail Envy
- Soft & Thin Nail Envy
OPI Drip Dry 0.3oz - SGD$14.00/bottle NETT
OPI Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Replenishing Oil - SGD$16.50
Essie nail polish - SGD$11.00/bottle NETT (Please go to to choose the colors)
Essie Matte About You SGD$14.00/bottle NETT **NEW!! Transform to Matte finish**
Color Club nail polish – SGD$7.80/bottle NETT
Creative Nail polish – SGD$8.50/bottle NETT
Seche Vite dry fast Top Coat - $11.00/bottle NETT ~~POPULAR~~
**price includes shipping fee from US to
If you would like to order other items from the website but not listed above, pls feel free to contact me to arrange.
Terms & Conditions
I will only take in orders of those who pay up first before the spree closes as shown on my IB statement. No payment no order.
1. Refunds will be done if items are out of stock or you can opt for credit for next spree
2. Nail polish will be bubbled wrapped and taped for extra security
3. feel free to email me directly at for any enquiries/questions
Internet Banking account:
POSB SAVINGS 157-03577-0
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Method of collection:
Strictly postage (normal/registered) from my house to yours for 4 items and below
*Meet up minimum 5 bottles at Ang mo kio/Orchard/bukit batok (wkend for BB)
Normal postage rate (bubble wrapped + Styrofoam) for nail polish:
a. 1 bottle: $1.50
b. 2-3 bottles: $2.50
c. 4-7 bottles: $3.50
d. 8 bottles onwards: $3.50 + $0.50 per extra bottle.
For registered, please top up extra $2.24 **Highly Recommended**
(I will not be responsible if items are damage after i've post out due to poor handling by the postman. I will ensure that all items are in good condition before sending out. I will also not be responsible if the mail went missing for normal postage )
Please post in this format *not responsible for any wrong order due to wrong format
Name of product:
Total Price:
Mode of Collection: Post/Meetup
contact number:
Mailing Address:
Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Thank you for your support!
Beauty Spree - OPEN!
Try out OPI latest collection:
OPI Espana
OPI Matte Collection
OPI Sunbelievable Summer
OPI Brights

Essie Matte about you - Matte Finisher
Are you tired of glossy nails? Matte is the "IN" thing now. As you may have noticed, OPI has just launch OPI Matte Collection. Personally I have not try any Matte nail polish YET. I have been reading about Essie Matte about you and want to try them so badly! Initially, 8ty8beauty don't plan to bring in afraid that the demand is low. After pestering for so many times, they finally have it! yay!!!

So what is so special about Essie Matte about you? Well, instead of buying individual Matte nail polish, i rather buy this "top coat" to change any of my nail colors to Matte! Sounds cool right?
Here's the description about the product from
Matte Finisher
No-luster polish is taking center stage in today's fashion world!Capitalize on the latest nail trend of the season with matte about youand create a smooth matte finish with just one product!
Features & Benefits:

Apply essie base coat, followed by 2 coats of your favorite essie nail polish.Finish by applying a thin layer of matte finisher in place of a top coat.
Contains No Formaldehyde; Toluene or DBP
I instantly fall in love when i saw the reviews from Scrangie. Here's some of the pictures:

After applying Essie Matte About You

Yay For Hauling!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
DIY Satin Finish!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Nail Art: Elegant Nails
Thursday, August 27, 2009
OPI Sea? I Told You!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
NOTD: My Private Jet Holographic Goodness!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
OPI DS Reflection
8ty8beauty spree #25 - Arrived!
Thank you for your patience. Our orders have just arrived today =)
For those who've opted for postage, your items will be mailed out tomorrow morning.
For those who've opted for meet up, here's the schedule: ( i will also drop you an email shortly)
Today 25Aug:
Blk 303 AMK - Anytime before 9pm
Wed 26 Aug:
United Square (novena) - 9.30am - 5pm
Blk 303 AMK - 7pm - 9pm
Thu 27 Aug:
ION Orchard - 9.30am - 5.45pm
Blk 303 AMK - 7.30pm - 9pm
Fri 28Aug:
ION Orchard - 9.30am - 5.45pm
Bukit Batok Central - 9.30pm-10.15pm
Sat 29Aug:
ION Orchard - 9.30am - 5.45pm
Bukit Batok Central - after 10pm (timing subject to change)
Sun 30Aug:
Bukit Batok Central - 12pm-3pm
Blk 303 AMK - 8.30pm-9.30pm
***Pls kindly give me advance notice as i need to prepare and bring the items out. The timings are subject to changes.
Thanks =)
Monday, August 24, 2009
OPI My Private Jet
The first picture isn't that great, I tried to capture the holo qualities of the polish but didn't. I did manage to capture the rainbow qualities of the polish, although the picture doesn't do the polish justice.
Something that I love about this polish is how different it looks inside from outside. It's like you changed your mani as you crossed the threshold of the door! Inside the polish looks like silver glitter, which is really cool! I love this polish and will be sporting it often this fall and winter!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Nail Art: Jagged Fuchsia
Saturday, August 22, 2009
OPI Fuchsia Fling Review
Like in the picture, it does apply darker than what is in the bottle. It is still very pretty and bright! Plus if you are near a Trade Secret, go get this now because it is on sale for 30% off!
Friday, August 21, 2009
8ty8beauty spree #25 - updates
Thank you for your patience.
They have process our orders and it's on the way to Singapore! yay~~
There are a few out of stocks =( Those affected, i will drop you an email to inform you.
Pls do come back regularly for updates of the spree!
For those who've missed this spree, pls join my mailing list on the right hand side to be informed of the upcoming spree =)
Thanks and have a good weekend~~~
Thoughts On: OPI Colleccion de Espana
Anyway, I was disappointed with the color selection of this collection. A lot of the colors look really similar; am I the only one who noticed this? And there are so many bright colors, I thought that summer was over! This collection is mainly really bright colors and almost black colors. Most of them are cremes, which I do really like (I save the sparkles for summer and winter).
I only ended up getting one polish from this collection, Here Today Aragon Tomorrow (I love that name) which you can see the swatch and review of in the previous post. Did you like this collection? Were you as unimpressed as I was? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
OPI Here Today Aragon Tomorrow
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Nail Art: Cute As A Button
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
OPI Kreme de la Kremlin
Monday, August 17, 2009
8ty8beauty spree #25 - CLOSED
Spree #25 is now closed. I will email the orders shortly after consolidating.
Please come back regularly for updates of the spree.
**if you've missed the spree, pls join my mailing list to be notified for the next spree =)
How To Clean Nail Polish Out of Carpet
I really didn't know what to do after I spilled dark blue glittery nail pollish all over beige carpet. I did a search on Google and the first rule is to keep it wet! As long as that nail polish is not dry, you can still get it out., and it gives you thinking time. Be sure to keep it wet even after you got the polish out; you always miss spots when you are panicking! You need to really soak the spots, especially the small ones as they dry faster. You can always blot the water out later.
I tried everything to get the nail polish out of the carpet; acetone, non-acetone nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, oxyclean, and scrubbing. The only thing that worked was scrubbing. I scrubbed all of the stains with an old rag for well over two hours; but it all came out. It seems that different things work for different nail polishes, but the thing that will get it out for sure is scrubbing your heart out. It takes forever, but it is better than having that stain haunt you or replacing the carpet.
The picture is of my nails post cleaning. I was in the middle of doing my nails when the polish spilled and they were ruined, but needless to say I didn't redo them that night!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Great Polish Spill of '09
I had spilled my new OPI Sea? I Told You! all over my carpet and comforter. My light beige carpet and dark red comforter. (Pictured is only a small portion of the spill, I didn't have time to take a picture of the carpet.) The light beige carpet that is impossible to clean because it is cut so short and is stain retaining. There are still dog poop stains in other rooms that won't lift. I absolutely panicked, this is my parent's carpet, I would be killed!
So I had to make a decision; save the carpet or the comforter. I think that I made the right choice in saving the carpet. After recieving no governmental assistance after the horrible disaster, I searched Google on ways to clean the carpet, and after two and a half hours I got it all out! This can't be said for the comforter though, who is still under work for getting the nail polish out. No worries, the carpet is fine, hooray! Tomorrow's post will be on how to clean the carpet of nail polish. I hope that you got a laugh out of my embarrassment! Remember, never do your nails in the dark, even if your eyes are dilated! :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
In My Defense Some of It Was On Sale!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
OPI Alpine Snow
Nail Art: Dark French
8ty8beauty spree #25 - Slots filling up fast! Hurry~
For those who've not transfer the money, please do so asap or your order will be canceled. Appreciate all spree-ers to transfer the payment first then email me the orders. This will greatly help to save time.
**Pls also check your emails as some may gone to bulk/junk mail folder.
Thank you ladies and happy spree-ing!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
OPI Black Onyx
Thoughts On: Fall Matte Trend
The matte polishes themselves from reviews that I have read are hard to work with. As someone who sucks at applying nail polish; these aren't for me. They show every mistake you make, and with many of them you can't use a base coat, drying products, or hand lotion with them. They also chip easily.
The matte top coat seems like a better way to go. You can turn any nail polish into a matte nail polish, so you don't have buy ten matte polishes, only one top coat! This way seems far more cost effective, and it would be easier to work with. You can also use a base coat, and the Essie matte top coat claims that you can use hand lotion with it.
All in all I like the idea of the matte trend, I think that it is a fun way to wear nail polish. Although I am a big OPI person; I will be getting the Essie Matte About You Top Coat to turn my existing polishes into a matte finish. This is my choice, and I am not telling anybody to go buy a certain product or to even particpate in the trend. What do you all think of the matte trend? Are you going to rock it?
Monday, August 10, 2009
I Know That This is SUPER Cheesy.....
To all of my brand new followers, well thank you for following me! I hope that you enjoy the blog; I update everyday! I hope that my blog holds your interest and that you enjoy it, and I love comments!
To all of my other followers, thank you for sticking with me! I love checking your comments and seeing all of the really nice things that you have to say! It really makes my day brighter to know that I am helping you with my reviews and posts and that you are enjoying them!
I am curious there anything else that you would like to see? Are there other kinds of posts that you would like to see from me? Are there any types of posts that you aren't a big fan of? Am I doing anything wrong? Let me know! I am always open to suggestions and tips! I love you all, and enjoy the blog! :)
8ty8beauty spree #24 - Arrived
pleased to inform you that our orders for spree #24 has arrived!
However, there is a slight screw up with the orders. Apparently some of the colors are out of stock which was not stated in my invoice (they billed me for something which they did not send!) sigh~ Sorry ladies, those affected will be informed shortly =(
Anyway for those who opt for meet up, here's the schedule:
Tues 11 Aug (Pls SMS me by 7.30am if u wish to meet up @ Orchard ION/Heeren on tues so i can bring the stuffs out)
ION Orchard: 9am-6.15pm
Heeren: 6.30pm-7pm
AMK Blk 303 - 10pm
Wed 12 Aug:
ION Orchard: 9.30am-6pm
AMK Blk 303 - 10pm
Thu 13 Aug:
AMK Hub: 1pm-3pm
AMK Blk 303 - 4pm-5pm
Bukit Batok - 8pm-8.30pm
Fri 14 Aug:
Bukit Batok - 12pm - 2pm
Sat 15 Aug:
ION Orchard 9am - 4pm
Bukit Batok 8-10pm
Sun 16 Aug:
ION Orchard 10am - 5pm
AMK Blk 303 - 8pm-10pm
*I will also drop you an email shortly with regards to above schedule.
Pls do give me advance notice if you are meeting me. so i can prepare and bring them out. My timings are also subject to changes.
For those who've opted for postage, it will be posted out tomorrow =)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Nail Art: Pink Leopard Print
OPI You Don't Know Jacques!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sinful Colors: Jamboree
Friday, August 7, 2009
OPI Top Coat
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Nail Art: French Manicure
8ty8beauty OPI spree #25 - OPEN!
8ty8beauty Spree #25 is now open! thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support. All my sprees have been doing well and response is great! If this is your first time ordering from me, dont worry, i'm reliable and a responsible organiser. I've ordered more than 2100 bottles of nail polish for my past 24 sprees and it's still counting~ For those who've joined me before, welcome back! hehe... *pardon me for repeating the same verse if you've read this over and over again but there's always someone who's reading it for the first time.
For spree #25 I will be ordering from
Try out OPI latest collection:
OPI Espana
OPI Matte Collection
OPI Sunbelievable Summer
OPI Brights

OPI Colorcopia - Click here to view the pictures
OPI Breathe life - Click here to view the pictures
OPI Fairytale Bride - Click here to view the pictures
OPI South Beach! Click here to view the pictures for the latest color
Color Club latest collection - Electro Candy , Catwalk Queen, Femme Fatale *Available!*
Orly latest collection - Prepster, Summer Tiki collection
China Glaze latest collection - Retro Diva
I will be giving freebies if you join my spree.
Pls read the terms & conditions carefully.
OPI Nail colors - SGD$11/bottle NETT (priced at USD$4.48 on website)
OPI Designer Series - SGD$16/bottle NETT(priced at USD$6.75on website)
OPI Nail treatments – SGD$11/bottle NETT
- Top coat High-gloss protection
- Natural base coat
- Natural Nail strengthener
- Ridge Filler
- Arcylic base coat
OPI Start-to-Finish, Original/Formaldehyde Free Formula - $15/bottle NETT
OPI Nail Envy Series SGD$18/bottle NETT
- Matte Nail Envy
- Original Nail Envy
- Dry & Brittle Nail Envy
- Sensitive & Peeling Nail Envy
- Soft & Thin Nail Envy
OPI Drip Dry 0.3oz - SGD$14.00/bottle NETT
OPI Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Replenishing Oil - SGD$16.50
Essie nail polish - SGD$11.00/bottle NETT (Please go to to choose the colors)
Color Club nail polish – SGD$7.80/bottle NETT
Creative Nail polish – SGD$8.50/bottle NETT
Seche Vite dry fast Top Coat - $11.00/bottle NETT ~~POPULAR~~
**price includes shipping fee from US to
If you would like to order other items from the website but not listed above, pls feel free to contact me to arrange.
Terms & Conditions
I will only take in orders of those who pay up first before the spree closes as shown on my IB statement. No payment no order.
1. Refunds will be done if items are out of stock or you can opt for credit for next spree
2. Nail polish will be bubbled wrapped and taped for extra security
3. feel free to email me directly at for any enquiries/questions
Internet Banking account:
POSB SAVINGS 157-03577-0
UOB Savings 128-192-133-4
Internet banking or ATM transfers only. (no inter-bank transfer) Must be from the same bank.
Transfer via: ATM /IB(nick)
Method of collection:
Strictly postage (normal/registered) from my house to yours for 4 items and below
*Meet up minimum 5 bottles at Ang mo kio/Orchard/bukit batok (wkend for BB)
Normal postage rate (bubble wrapped + Styrofoam) for nail polish:
a. 1 bottle: $1.50
b. 2-3 bottles: $2.50
c. 4-7 bottles: $3.50
d. 8 bottles onwards: $3.50 + $0.50 per extra bottle.
For registered, please top up extra $2.24 **Highly Recommended**
(I will not be responsible if items are damage after i've post out due to poor handling by the postman. I will ensure that all items are in good condition before sending out. I will also not be responsible if the mail went missing for normal postage )
Please post in this format *not responsible for any wrong order due to wrong format
Name of product:
Total Price:
Mode of Collection: Post/Meetup
contact number:
Mailing Address:
Pls email your orders and enquiries to
Thank you for your support!
8ty8beauty OPI spree #25 - OPEN!
Try out OPI latest collection:
OPI Espana
OPI Matte Collection
OPI Sunbelievable Summer
OPI Brights

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
OPI Melon of Troy
This polish is a little sheer but goes on completely opaque in three coats. The drying time was alright, but it doesn't dry as fast as the cream textures do. Not too bad though. Overall I really like this polish and have a feeling that I will wear it a lot when next spring rolls around!
8ty8beauty spree #24 updates - On the way + Winner of Blog Event #5!
Hi ladies!!
Good news~
Our orders are finally on the way to Singapore!
Yay~~~ (ya, after pestering them..haha)
There is 1 out of stock and only 1 spree-er was affected. You will be notified shortly if you are the one.
I will update again once the items have arrived. Most probably early next week?
Ok, another piece of good news!
As mentioned, the top spree-er will receive a free goodie bag for this round and the winner is.....
**Congratulations to Joanne!**
She has ordered 13 bottles for spree #24 and have won herself a goodie bag as shown below =)
Thank you for all of your support!