I had spilled my new OPI Sea? I Told You! all over my carpet and comforter. My light beige carpet and dark red comforter. (Pictured is only a small portion of the spill, I didn't have time to take a picture of the carpet.) The light beige carpet that is impossible to clean because it is cut so short and is stain retaining. There are still dog poop stains in other rooms that won't lift. I absolutely panicked, this is my parent's carpet, I would be killed!
So I had to make a decision; save the carpet or the comforter. I think that I made the right choice in saving the carpet. After recieving no governmental assistance after the horrible disaster, I searched Google on ways to clean the carpet, and after two and a half hours I got it all out! This can't be said for the comforter though, who is still under work for getting the nail polish out. No worries, the carpet is fine, hooray! Tomorrow's post will be on how to clean the carpet of nail polish. I hope that you got a laugh out of my embarrassment! Remember, never do your nails in the dark, even if your eyes are dilated! :)