The Arts Of Nail

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award!

Heya everyone! The wonderful Leanne from Do Not Refreeze tagged me for this award; Leanne you are so sweet, thank you! Here are the rules: To list 7 things about yourself and tag 7 people; so here we go!

1. Very few of my friends know about this blog, and none of my family does. I really only share this part of myself with all of you and my three closest friends, including my wonderful boyfriend.

2. I get very pissed off when people make fun of my weight; or more specifically lack thereof. I am 5'7" and I go between 95-100 lbs. People I don't even know come up to me and ask me if I have an eating disorder; and I really want to punch them. I do not have an eating disorder, my high metabolism is genetic and my weight is actually healthy for my build. Making fun of someone who is skinny is the same as making fun of someone who is fat, you tell them that they are unhealthy and not normal. Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.

3. Otters are my favorite animals.

4. I plan on getting a belly-button piercing on the 9th; I am so excited!!! I am going to the studio with my friend, who is getting 2 dermal anchors in the stars of her side tattoo.

5. I do not have a tattoo because I HATE needles, but I really want one. I only deal with needles for shots, and I do get a flu shot every year.

6. Even though I am super pasty white, it is impossible for me to blush. My face can turn red when I laugh and such; but I simply don't get embarassed! I am a very open book and I am open to discuss anything. I am not sure yet if that is a good or a bad thing.

7. My first experience with makeup was stealing my mother's unused MAC Studio Fix Powder and using it. Heck, she never did! I used to have severe cystic acne, so covering it up made me feel a lot better about myself.

Here are the 7 awesome bloggers that I am tagging! I wish that I could tag more because I love all of the blogs that I read!

Mighty Lambchop from Lambchop Mobile
Liz from Iceomatic Nails
Nicole from Magic Maid
Asami from Nails by Asami
Allya from Painted Tips
Kae from The Hungry Asian
Berry from Happyberrynaiad