I've been eyeing this product for quite sometime especially when it first hit Singapore (Guardian pharmacy) - Baby Foot kit. Well, during that time the packaging is in a form of cube box and priced around $59.90. Saw the brochure and this product is suppose to make your foot peel and renew your skin as smooth like a baby foot. sounds amazing? Find out more info from http://www.babyfoot.co.jp/e/index.html
I didn't buy coz of the price. When i went to Japan, i couldnt find it (it's from japan!!) argh... When i went to Taiwan few months back, i saw a similar product call - BeautyFoot. forgotten how much.. still brand new in my room at a corner and yet to try. haha! I found Baby Foot Easy pack from Hong Kong recently and the price seems very reasonable. around SGD$28... brought 1 box and FINALLY decided to try today.
I thought of blogging this highly raved product and see if it is really that good as it claims to be. Anyway, just by looking at the pictures and description, i'm already 90% convinced that it will work. We shall see.
Day 1:
Here's my foot before the treatment. haha.. as i wear heels quite often, so the middle part got the callus and the end of my feet is very dry and got dead skin.

Here's the socks with the solution inside. just have to wear them and leave it on for 2 hours.
Well, the booklet says my foot my start to peel in 5-7 days time and peel completely in 2-3 weeks. I will update again. please feel free to comment if you've tried. Stay tuned!
Day 5 *Updated 14 Sep 09*
Ok, just to rewind abit... the 2nd and 3day didn't really notice any difference. Yesterday (Day4) i did not check any peelings. Just now, all of a sudden i remember and take a look at my foot. WAH! it's peeling!! woohoo.. it looks a little scary though.. and now my foot is rough. i'm sure there's more to come since it's suppose to peel off everything?
Here's the pictures i just took. **WARNING - Horror Foot ahead! **

More to come! stay tuned =)